Property development with a retail unit and domestic dwelling

Simple Utility Networks supported a property developer with managing the energy connections and changes to a retail unit. The ground floor needed to remain retail, with the unit on the first floor being converted to a residential flat.

 With no knowledge or experience in arranging energy supply changes and works, Simple Utility Networks was chosen as their partner. We were briefed to organise a new electricity supply and meter for the retail unit, as the current meter and set-up resided in a communal area above, and domestic supply to the flat above.

We carried out all planning and an application to the Distribution Network Operator (DNO), Northern Powergrid.  We negotiated a commercial electricity contract and installed a three-phase electricity supply and a commercial meter. Along with the new supply, we handled the excavating and reinstating trench works through the front of the shop for cable routes, along with sufficient ducting to comply with regulations.

To discuss supporting your project, get in touch today.


Retail - Change of use