What 2025 means for the housebuilding industry


2025 will see the introduction of The Future Homes Standard, mandating the transition for new homes to be constructed with low energy bills and carbon emissions.

 The National House Building Council (NHBC) Foundation has launched a set of resources that will evolve over the coming months to support housebuilders with advice and guidance on developing gaps in their skills and capabilities to meet the new mandate. The free resources will also consider the challenges arising from energy-saving measures in new homes and how these could be overcome.

A combination of construction principles and technology underpin the ability to enable the building of future-proofed homes with low carbon heating and world-leading levels of energy efficiency.

Three key themes:




Each area considers the importance to homeowners of the future, such as comfort, usability and resilience to climate change. The project and website will become a repository for knowledge and resources for designers, builders, suppliers and managers. 

The resources will be steered by a panel of experts comprising senior representatives from the house-building industry and academic work. The NHBC Foundation research is funded by the NHBC and is one of the ways the organisation re-invests in achieving its core purpose of raising standards in house building.

Richard Smith, NHBC’s head of standards, innovation and research, said:

“The Future Homes Standard will set the UK at the forefront of global ambitions to achieve net-zero homes. We want this ongoing project to become a forum for knowledge and a stimulus for thinking about the house in use and its design for future homeowners. Our aim is for it to prompt discussion, identify the scale of the challenge and be a reminder of lessons from the recent past.”

To view the NBHC report and website, click here.


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